Shareware Gold 2
Shareware Gold II - Volume 2 Number 1 - Wayzata Technology (7071) (1991).iso
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334 lines
.............. MAIN MENU ..............
DISPLAY & ANALYZE / DATA ON FILE: Branch to the Investment Display Menu,
where you can display your investment history data.
ADD NEW DATA TO ACTIVE FILE (BUY): Used to add new investment data to your
active file. You are asked to enter the Name, Record Type, number of Shares,
and applicable Buy and Sell prices, commissions or fees and dates.
EDIT/UPDATE EXISTING FILE (SELL): Edit an investment record already on file.
Most commonly used when an investment is sold to enter the sell price, fees,
and dates. Can also used to modify the Record Type, Name or correct an error
made initially when the investment was first entered. You can also delete an
investment record if desired.
GENERATE GRAPHS FROM DATA ON FILE: Branch to the Graph Display Menu where
you can automatically display graphs based on the investments stored in the
active file.
PRINT INVESTMENTS & REPORTS MENU: Branch to the Main Print Menu, where you
can print hard copy reports of your investments to your printer.
CURRENT PRICE & SYMBOL ASSIGNMENT: Branch to the Current Pricing Menu, where
you assign symbols to your current investments, and then can evaluate these
investments based on the current market prices.
UTILITIES/DATA FILE/SETUP OPTIONS: Branch to the Utility Menu, where you can
perform Data file operations. You can also sort your investments on the active
file by date. You can display a pop up calendar, or obtain a hardware status
report of your computer system.
QUIT & EXIT - WALL $TREET - TBL: When ready to exit Wall $treet TBL, simply
enter "Q" or "ESC" from the main menu. You will be able to Print a regis-
tration form to your printer, Begin again or Exit.
General Note: In the menus, and at most places throughout the program the
"ESC" key will abort the current selection, return you to the parent menu and
eventually exit the program if pressed several times.
.............. INVESTMENT DISPLAY MENU ..............
INDEX -- INVESTMENTS ON FILE: Display to your screen, a summary of all the
records in index format. You will be able to display all records or select a
subset by entering a 2-10 character search string. For Example entering
"TEX" would return all records with the characters "TEX" in the security
name, Record Type, or symbol name. Entering "1980" or "80", will return all
records bought or sold in 1980 or with those characters in the name, Record
type or symbol. A brief mathematical summary is displayed at the bottom of
the screen, based on the records displayed. The current prices are not used
for this summary.
SELECTED ITEM DISPLAY: Display the details of a specific investment record,
simply enter the corresponding record number here. If you don't know the
record number, you can choose from a summary list by pressing simply pressing
return. Once in the display mode the up/down arrow key will display the
previous or next record. Exit the record display by simply pressing "ESC".
DISPLAY MULTIPLE ITEMS: This works much the same as the Index option, except
each record is displayed in detail format. The up/down arrow keys can be
used to select the next, & prior records accordingly. The number of days
held to date will be displayed if the record is still in your portfolio.
This is based on your Computer system Date as displayed. The record number is
displayed at the top of the screen during this search. Enter "ESC" at any
time to abort the data display.
ANALYSIS MENU - YEAR/CURRENT: Branch to the Analysis Print Menu, which
allows you to display a subset of your investments based on date criterion.
MAIN MENU WALL $TREET TBL: Branch to the Main Menu.
..............INVESTMENT ANALYSIS MENU ..............
INVESTMENTS FOR SINGLE YEAR: Display in index format, all trading activity
for the selected year. A simple summary analysis will also be displayed at
the bottom of the screen.
PROFIT ANALYSIS SINGLE YEAR: Display in index format, all records that were
sold, (or bought, in the case of a short sell) during the selected year. A
summary analysis will also be displayed at the bottom of the screen. This is
a useful summary report at tax time.
CURRENT INVESTMENTS NOW HELD: Display in index format, a listing of all
securities currently held, along with a simple summary analysis. The current
prices are not displayed here, but rather the investment data. See Current
Pricing Menu, to display current investment value based on current prices.
DISPLAY INVESTMENT MAIN MENU: Branch to the Investment Display Menu, where
you can display your investment history data.
MAIN MENU WALL $TREET TBL: Branch to the Main Menu.
.............. MAIN PRINT MENU ..............
PRINT: INDEX - DATA ON FILE: Used to print to your printer, a hard copy of
your Security data file in Index format. The printout will be double spaced
& printed in compressed print. A summary will be printed at the bottom based
on the records printed. You can choose to print all records or select a
subset of your investments by entering a Bxx where xx is the beginning record
number, or entering a search data string of between 2 & 10 characters.
PRINT: SELECTED DATA RECORD: Print a hard copy of a single data record in
detail format. If you do not know the record number, you can choose from a
summary list by pressing return.
PRINT: GROUP - DATA RECORDS: Print a hard copy of a group of data records in
detail format. The printout of each record will closely resemble the detail
record view option from the main menu. The search option will function as
described above.
ANALYSIS MENU - YEAR/CURRENT: Branch to the Analysis Print Menu, where you
can print reports based on Year criterion.
MAIN MENU WALL $TREET TBL: Branch to the Main Menu.
.............. ANALYSIS PRINT MENU ..............
PRINT: INVESTMENT HISTORY BY YEAR: Print a hard copy in index format, of all
data records either bought or sold in the selected year.
PRINT: PROFIT ANALYSIS BY YEAR: Print a hard copy in index format, of all
records that were sold in the selected year. In the case of short sells, the
records will be selected based on the year purchased.
PRINT: CURRENT INVESTMENTS HELD: Print a hard copy in index format, of all
records that are currently still in your portfolio. This is quite useful to
obtain a listing of the securities you are currently holding. See Current
Pricing Menu to view your current investments with current market prices.
RETURN TO MAIN PRINT MENU: Branch to the Main Print Menu.
MAIN MENU WALL $TREET TBL: Branch to the Main Menu.
.............. WSTBL GRAPH CHOICE MENU ..............
PROFIT OR LOSS GRAPH: Display a graph of Profit or Loss by record number.
You will be able to select "A" for all records, "Q" to quit, "C" for Current-
ly held investments, search by Symbol, Name, or Buy or Sell year. The search
string will function as described earlier. When entering a "C" for currently
held investments, All records currently being held are displayed. The P & L
on these items is calculated based on the prices set in the current pricing
module. Potential losses will be displayed below the line in red, & profit
will be displayed above the line in green. The charts will appear in color,
if you have EGA or VGA Graphics capability.
% PROFIT / LOSS GRAPH: Display percent profit or loss by record number. The
available options are the same as described above, with a similar graph
CURRENT INVESTMENTS: Display graphically the amount invested of the current-
ly held securities, by record number. If your current holdings include any
"short sells", these will be displayed in magenta on a color display. Use
the "C" option from the Profit / Loss Graph selection to examine the poten-
tial Profit or Loss status of your currently held investments.
FEES - PERCENT PAID: This will display the percentage of the total invest-
ment that was paid as commission & fees, by record number. The percent paid
at security purchase will be above the line. The percent paid at the sale of
each security will be below the line. Each record will generate two bars,
except for those records currently being held. This is useful to gain a
graphical representation of the % commission being paid over multiple
records, or an extended period of time.
CUM - SUMMARY GRAPH: Display a CUM-SUM chart for profit or loss by record
number. From left to right, each bar is the sum of the prior displayed bars.
This could be used to determine the total amount of profit or loss over
numerous records or an extended period.
GRAPH MODE SELECT: Branch to the Graphic Mode Select Menu.
MAIN MENU WALL $TREET TBL: Branch to the Main Menu.
.............. GRAPH MODE SELECT MENU ..............
AUTO DETECT: An attempt will be made to determine the graphic capability of
your system. Once you select this option the detected Graphic capability
will be selected, and displayed at the bottom of the screen for a short
period of time. In each case, a warning will be presented if you attempt to
select a graphic mode that is not supported by your hardware. If a lockup
should occur, you can reset the graphic mode by deleting the wallst.ctl file
and restarting the program.
VGA COLOR: Set the Graphic Mode to VGA Color, 640x480 resolution mode.
EGA COLOR: Set the Graphic Mode to EGA Color, 640x350 resolution mode.
CGA MONO: Set the Graphic Mode to CGA Monochrome, 640x200 resolution mode.
MCGA MONO: Set the Graphic Mode to MCGA Monochrome, 640x200 resolution mode.
NONE - RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU: To Abort the Graphic selection if your
hardware does not support graphics.
.............. CURRENT PRICING & DATA MENU ..............
UPDATE CURRENT INVESTMENT DATA: Once a list of symbols has been defined for
all current investments, (see Define Symbol Option described below) you will
be able to input current investment pricing, earnings per share, dividend
paid per share, & enter a comment as shown in the sample data file. From
these values the P-E ratio, & % dividend information will be calculated. The
reference High and Low price will be updated automatically if the new current
price is greater or less than the corresponding price.
DEFINE/ASSIGN INVESTMENT SYMBOLS: Define the symbols you will use to
identify each of the investments you wish to track. Initially, your current
investments will be scanned & you are asked to assign a symbol to each one.
The symbol can be added if necessary or selected from an existing list, which
can be displayed in a pop up window. This feature prevents you from having
to remember the symbol or abbreviation used previously. If the symbol is not
listed in the current list, press ESC & you will able to add the new symbol.
Once the new symbol has been added, it will be included in the symbol list,
in alphabetical order.
Note: You may choose to maintain symbols in your symbol file with current
pricing information even if you do not currently hold any shares of this
security. This will not create a problem & can be used to track investments
that you are considering for purchase or just wish to monitor on a regular
SUMMARY SYMBOL AND PRICE LISTING: This will display to the screen, a summary
of the symbol, initial investment price, current price, & associated data
currently assigned to each of your current investments. The potential profit
or loss is displayed based on the current price, & initial investment. One
should note that any commission or fees that may be required, to sell the
investment are not included in this calculation. A summary of the number of
current investments, number of symbols, & total amount currently invested is
summarized at the bottom of the screen. Trades completed in the current year
are also included in this display to provide a summary for the current year.
PRINT CURRENT PRICING DATA MENU: Branch to the Current Pricing Report Menu
used to print these report to your printer.
INITIALIZE INVESTMENT SYMBOLS: This will initialize the symbol database.
All current pricing information will be lost from the symbol file. The last
price & active symbol will still be stored in the main data file. You can
easily recreate the active symbol list, for securities currently held, by the
simple process outlined below:
1: Initialize the Symbol Data Base
2: Select the Define Symbol option & press return to accept each one of
the symbols for the investments still stored on the active file.
3: Select the Update Current Pricing option, & Enter the current prices,
and associated data for each symbol as appropriate.
Note: This module was written to be able to track numerous portfolios with
the same investments, as well as numerous investments of the same security in
the same portfolio. For this reason, the first time you use this module, &
for any new securities not currently in your symbol database, you are
required to establish a symbol or abbreviation, for each investment. It is
intended that the standard "Ticker Symbol" be used, but any symbol (1 to 6
characters ) will work, as long as you are consistent.
PRINT: INDEX AT CURRENT PRICES: Print an index listing of your current
investments with the current pricing information incorporated in the analy-
sis. You are also allowed to select a subset of your current investments.
Year to date completed trades are also included.
PRINT: CURRENT DATA INDEX PRINT: Print an index listing of your current
investments with the current pricing, PE, & % Dividend information.
PRINT: SELECTED INVESTMENT ITEM: Print in Detail format any single invest-
ment by record number. If this investment is currently being held the
potential P/L calculations are included based on current pricing.
PRINT: GROUP - INVESTMENT ITEMS: Print in Detail format a group of invest-
ments by specifying a search string. The search string will function as
described earlier. If any of the investments selected are currently being
held the potential P/L calculations are included based on current pricing.
MAIN CURRENT PRICING MENU: Branch to the Main Current Pricing Menu.
.............. UTILITY MENU ..............
FILE MANAGEMENT MENU: Branch to the File Management Menu, where you can
select a new active file, copy or delete or sort the existing data file.
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: Display several Hardware and Software aspects of your
current computer system configuration, including graphic capability.
GRAPHIC MODE SELECTION: You will be able to select the color mode and the
graphic border option (if you have EGA or VGA Graphics), or modify the default
CALENDAR DISPLAY: Generate a calendar by month and year.
PRINTER CONTROL CODES: Modify the printer control codes.
MAIN MENU WALL $TREET TBL: Branch to the Main Menu.
.............. FILE MANAGEMENT MENU ..............
SORT ACTIVE DATA FILE: Will automatically sort the active data file by date.
ACTIVE FILE CHANGE: Modify the data file that is currently active in WSTBL.
You may also open a new file from this menu choice. You may find it useful
to keep separate data files for different investment types, or perhaps a new
file each year. This is strictly a matter of preference. Each data file is
limited to 500 Records per file.
LIST ALL FILES: This option will display a listing of all files in the Wall
$treet software directory.
DELETE DATA FILE: This option will allow you to delete a ".DAT" (Data) file.
You will be notified if the deletion was successful.
COPY DATA FILE: This option will allow you to copy an existing ".DAT" (Data)
file. This feature is useful if you decide to divide an existing file into
smaller separate files. This can be done by copying the source file & then
deleting the desired, records from the files using the main menu, edit
MAIN UTILITY MENU: Branch to the Main Utility Menu.
.............. GRAPHIC - COLOR MENU ..............
COLOR / NO GRAPHICS: EGA Graphic Borders will be ignored, menu items will be
displayed in full color, with Blue ASCII Borders.
EGA / COLOR GRAPHICS: EGA screen graphics will be displayed in full color
with EGA Graphic Borders. If your system does not support EGA or VGA, do not
select this option.
LCD OR MONOCHROME NO BORDERS: EGA Graphic Borders will be ignored, & all
colors will be set to high intensity white. Selection will highlight during
pop up window selections. ASCII borders will be displayed.
ALTER DEFAULT COLORS: Change the color settings, if "C" or "E" was selected
above. The standard color assignments are as noted below:
Red - $ Loss / Green $ Profit / Short Sell / White Investment Still Held
MAIN UTILITY MENU: Branch to the Main Utility Menu.